Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I have been rarely changed entirely by a given idea or book..... most christian books are OK, with your hint of motivation and poignancy.
Yet this book turned it all around and really made things simple. Yet Hard.

I totally recommend this book to anyone who is ready to step into the Kingdom.

tell me what you think if you have read it....

Friday, November 23, 2007


Wow, there has been a myriad of things that are going on in my life. Besides that God has so blessed me with a son, and has turned my whole life upside down..... Jesus has never been so more real to me ....ever.
I read somewhere that a US missionary was on trip to Iraq where he went to aid the Christians in that area. He was very amazed at what was going on, and how God was using His church to do marvelous things. In his awe, he mentioned to an Iraqi pastor of what great things God was doing, and a bit dumbfounded and confused.... the pastor gently replied.... "why are you so surprised..... this is after all where Christianity STARTED. (and then he said what really cut to my heart...) You Americans think that you invented Christianity, but in fact...YOU ONLY DOMESTICATED IT.
Wow. Since reading that I have been pretty convicted that I have been taking the easy way out of "Christianity" I mean, sure I go to church, heck I even lead one at times, and I know that I am saved... but how saved am I. Does God just really plan for us to just simply say a prayer, and maybe stop cussing, act nicer and get new friends? Is that all? Learn how to raise our hands and sing some songs.... is that it???? well

What he has called us to do is to follow THE WAY. Jesus is the way. the only way, we are supposed to be Un-Christian. (i believe Christian has so lost its meaning, what it means today, i think cheapens the cross, the way..the King) We are supposed to be followers of Jesus. To live as He lives, and to love as he loves. Now before you put that on a bumper sticker as a way to "shine your light". This is much harder than it reads... its a high cost. Really Really high.

I love Mark Twains quip, "Its not the parts of the bible I do not understand that scare me, but the parts I do understand."

And it is scary. To declare Jesus the way. no other way. Just Him. The Truth. No other truth, just His. The Light. What we see, all we seek to see.

This statement isnt just making the point that its only through Christ we attain salvation, but the He is the WAY.... the way to live, the way to love the way to give. thats it. no other way.
so as i have been digesting this for the last five months, im a bit shaken and excited (which i think is pretty foundational for any Christian Life.)

so... sorry for the rant, but I am so thankful for Jesus to get me out of my comfort zone, and start living his WAY. the way.
As fas as whats going on over here, gosh sooo much.
A kid
4 new home churches
4 decisions to Follow him
a painted park
coffee for the sick
coffee for the tired
loving the rejected
eating with the poor

great stuff.

please keep praying for Lisa, Beniah, Raul and i as we continue to serve Jesus as best we can. These last 5 months have been new to us, and have taught us to follow him in an un-christian way. It has saved our lives.

What are some ways that you hve experienced serving our King in an un-christian way?
Share your experiences wit me....... or ask me "what the heck are you talking about?????" ha

love you all

competing with Paul for the "chief of all sinners" award,


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A dad's love

soooo im now a Dad. wow is all I can say.... i have no idea how to write what I am feeling right now. There is so much joy... kinda of like Christmas morning, combined with a feeling of being lost times 9. There is also so much Love that I am experiencing.... just holding my baby boy... and feeling what i feel..... IF GOD... WHEN LOOKING DOWN AT US... FEELS THIS (and really even way more) WOW.... WE HAVE IT REALLY GOOD AS HIS sons. guys, its not just a bumper sticker..... Jesus REALLY does love us..... dont even know how much.

Thank you EVERYBODY for praying for us... please keep doing it. I love you all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

soooooooonn....(almost a dad)

Hello everybody. I have been reading some of you guys' blogs, and its great to read what you are up too. Well, this will be a short one... I am now sitting by Lisa's side.. shes a little passed out right now, it was a long night of contractions and pain killers... but the doctor said that by this afternoon, i should be a DAD. wow, unbelievable! I write this to ask for all of your prayers for this last PUUUUUUSH!!! Thanks for your love.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Swiss Kingdom participation?

wow number three and going strong, i just want to thank everybody for leaving their comments. when reading them, it feels almost like I am having a conversation with you.... wel almost. But right now i will take what I can get!

wow!!! can you believe it!! In two days I will be in Brownsville and ready to be father. I will ask that you all please pray for my family and I. For those that do not know, I will be having (well lisa is, rather... thank you Jesus!!!) a baby boy!! His name, God willing will be Benaiah (The Lord has established) Danger (because danger is...his middle name....) Trevino. Well honestly, I am still working on the "danger" middle name, Lisa is on the fence with it... she prefers James. Which is a great name... i like it... but cmon you cannot compete with DANGER.

So this is what I am going do... so please respond with you comments!! I will leave it up to you.... please share with me if you prefer danger or james.... if danger wins,.. well then I can show this post to lisa and convince her. Yet if James gets more votes... well i guess i can stick to James (or maybe Lisa will never see this post... buahhahahaha)

so as you can imagine, I am very excited and so grateful to Jesus. In these two months, or rather since that cold dizzy July, our king has let me experience him in new ways, and the best is yet to come with a child. I know that there is many that cannot even imagine me as a dad, and believe me, I am president of that club.... but that is the great part... I know that Jesus, as he always does, steps in and takes over. I love our king.

And a king he is. no really he is a king. I think that some of you have no idea what im talking about, or you just refuse to believe or accept that. I know that our idea of an actual kingdom is thwarted... i mean when we think of kingdoms we think of braveheart.. ooorr disney.. or some fairy place land.. far far and away (which by the way.. i saw this movie called Stardust... wow!)
so our idea of an actual King is foreign to us, since we live in the free USA, or mexico if you will. But as children of God.... we abide in a kingdom. YET..... we do not like the idea of a king. We do not like the idea, that WE are not in charge and FREE to do what we will.

Since the dizzy cold July... our KING has been chipping away at what I thought being a christian was.... it is not about levels..... it is not even about advancing his kingdom (NEWS FLASH>>>> he does not need your help to advance his Kingdom...its advancing on its own..... remember He is the King not us) but about just simply participating in it! Instead of trying to reach a higher level in our "Christian walk" (and boy oh boy, we know how to do this dont we??... we read another book, we make ourselves pray at 4 am {which lasts about 3 days} we go to another conference (Bethany anyone?) .. and we try to get "on fiiiiire" and reach another level.....

Well the thing about this Kingdom (which we live in, which is at hand, which is near) is that its not about a level, but about a dimension. instead of trying to reach another level, instead of trying to "advance" His Kingdom....... (here is the revelation...........wait for it.................waaaaaaiiiiit for iiiiiittt.......) WE ENTER A NEW DIMENSION AND WE PARTICIPATE IN HIS KINGDOM!!!!!!

I mean honestly, we are playing this "christian walk" game, when His Kingdom is moving, growing, advancing, and we are missing out. Sad to say, I have been to more conferences, I have heard more teaching, led more cell groups, and have definitively sat in my "prayer closet" waaaay more times, than participate in what our king has called us to do. How many times have I fed the poor?? How many times have I visited prisoners? Took care of the sick? Invited the Homeless in? Gave the thirsty something to drink? Clothed the cold? This is the kingdom.... this is what we are called to do. Bust in the scene.. with Light... with salt... bust in this other also present kingdom of darkness. Let other people see our light... so that they may worship of father in heaven. (Disclaimer: I love the conferences, the teachings, etc etc...) But this in not the kingdom... the kingdom is outside the walls, its mixed in with the weeds.... its the yeast in all the mess.... its busting in... its here and not yet.... its beautiful..its inside this mess of the world.. its in the darkest places.... and we are called to participate. TO BE SIGNPOST OF HEAVEN. Signposts of this Kingdom that is here and at the same time not yet in its fullest. That when you feed the homeless guy, when you give and no one sees, when the poor have something to eat..... well your light, your salt.. your signpost reads "IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD, NO ONE GOES HUNGRY AND NO ONE IS FORGOTTEN."

Our king has prepared all these things for us to do.... and we sit with a "get out of hell card" sitting in the pews, glad that we are "saved" and not liking our King (at least not liking what he has called us to REALLY do) i think (and I KNOW at least for me) thats why Jesus first proclamation was in Mark 1:15 -- The Kingdom of God is near, repent and believe the good news!!" we must repent of thinking that we are the king of this kingdom, and abide by Him and not us.....

This last week i had to great opportunity to participate in His kingdom and take a sojourner from Switzerland that was backpacking Mexico into my house (see pic) What a wonderful experience it was to take this guy in and have great conversations that made him consider God. But way more than the conversations... was the actions (the actual kingdom participation) that he saw, that displayed the Father. (BTW, got him a bible and got him to read proverbs daily.. also hooked him up with one of our tshirst, sweet) Well, this guy cussed, drank, abides under another kingdom.... yet (at most as I could) I took care of him, gave him a bed, took him out to eat, payed for some of his coffee, and Loved on him. (kind of miss the guy already) (Im sure ANYONE of us would have done the same thing if a "pastor" would have come for a visit) and i got to tell you... this for me, was way more satisfying than any conference i have attended or book that I have read.

The kingdom is here, its in your backyard, go and participate. It is where we belong.

I know this was a loong one, but please let me hear your thoughts on this.. and most importantly share where you have participated, or will participate! (also let me know about Danger vs James)

love you all

Jesus totally melted this in my heart..... and it started with the poor....

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fortress of solitude

Thanks for tunning in to my second blog... im surprised i have made it this far.. you have no idea how many things I start and then just fade away into the bliss.... i know i know... i need to be more diligent and persevere.. but i do have so many things that I want to do... that some are just left out to dry. i really hope that this is not one of them, since I am really enjoying this dizzy cold july full of running sentences.

Weeell, im back..... i just got back from a beach named Sayulita in the Pacific coast... what can I say but just BEAUTIFUL..... it really is a surfers paradise, with a great quaint little town full of coffee shops, Italian restaurants and the beautiful people ready to talk to you. One of the now locals from Dallas says it reminds him of 50 years ago, when nobody had to lock their doors.
I really enjoyed the beach, the waves, the people.... but mostly ... the silence. Raul and I went exploring (ala Man vs Wild...... which is by the way... one of the best shows in TV right now) through the mountains and jungle (some great hikes!) and found some virgin beaches..... these beaches were something else.... untouched... hidden..... small.... peaceful... away from EVERYTHiNG!!! it was just such joy to be there and take all that in. It was an arduous hike to get there.. but all worth it.. .. just be be there.... and absorb Gods creation.

It reminded me of Sunday. Yea Sunday.... im at a real privileged place in my life now,.,, where I get to go to church on Sunday and not be the pastor... in fact.. when i go to church on Sunday... im just the guy who sits in the back with his wife.. with the pony tail... with nothing to say to anybody but a warm smile and a grateful hello... and just "take it all in"
The Church I am attending now is great.... its has about 50 people... a passionate pastor.... and i love that its small... and its my own little "virgin beach". I am nobody there.... im not there to see anybody but Jesus... and I love to worship there.... i jump... shout... kneel.. even cry at times... and could care less...who is next to me....its private.. its small.... and its special.

Now don't get me wrong... i love the big church experience.... gathering places of worship should involve more people.... but i was just sharing my own private beach of worship..... i think that is soooo critical to our following of our King. THINK ABOUT IT.... I think about it like my surfing this hidden beach. As a surfer.. i love to surf.... and if I did enough of it one day.... i would get really good at it.. and then i would be teaching other people to do it.. and then i would be judging contests, and doing interviews... writing articles.... putting tournaments together.. etc etc.... and that is all good and all.... but what could possible compare.... to me surfing that virgin beach alone...... away from the pressure.. away from the people.... away from the trophies... away from the STANDARDS!!!! just me and God on that beach.... just me and God... in that small service..... i love it.... would not change it for the world. Not for all the Christian pressure, Christian people, Christian trophies..... and especially not for all the Christian standards out there!

Let me ask you... do you have that special virgin beach? do you have that secret surf spot.? It does not have to be a small congregation.... it could be your closet.... a walk at midnight.... jeeeez.. anything. maybe you don't. ... maybe you don't because you like CONTROL. You see, i love the secret spot... cause its not in control... anything goes..... im not the one with the agenda..... and sometimes we do not want to give that up.

Which brings me to understand why superman had his fortress of solitude. He liked / NEEDED to go there... not cause of the cool crystals.... not because he was superman... but because this was the ONLY place that he was NOT in CONTROL. There... he was not superman.. he was just a boy.... a very lonely lost boy (with a huge responsibility) talking to his parents (that were in control). and he loved it...... and so do i.

find yourself your secret spot.... your small congregation... your virgin beach......if you plan to keep following Jesus... you are going to have to put the trophy down... and make that hike.

Lots of love... share your brains with me..... what are your secret spot....OR... what is keeping your from yours???

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It was a dizzy cold July......

Well, at last I start this stinkin blog. Dont get me wrong, part of me does like the idea of this blogginess, yet most of me is asking... who is going to read this.... What do I have to say?? I daydream plenty, and ridiculous things do fly through my head... but very once in a while... through the fog... God does speak.... and if you will allow me to share that with you... it will be an honor. As you can tell.. I oh so love the run on sentence. Even as a kid, when they taught us what it was, i just fell in love with it. I envisioned this sentence that was not going to be bound by periods or colons (to be bound by a colon is dangerous!) or even question marks, but I saw a sentence using commas to run and extend its life. Kind of cool actually, ...... they should do some kind of grammar amendment to allow the run on sentence. Wow.. ok im back.

Why did I name it a Dizzy Cold July.... well thats what it was. Well at least for me. Dont get me wrong, im in Guadalajara and the temp here is perfect. Its usually always about 70-75 degrees and very cool. There is no need for an AC in your house, an open window is all you need. Yet, for me, because of the circumstances, was a Dizzy Cold July. I dont like to be dizzy (for extended periods of time... thats why I gave up the drugs....oh and Jesus) and i certainly do not like to be Cold..... July is not my favorite month.... but this was one of the best times in my Life. When you are at the place where God wants you.... you might be dizzy, and cold... or whatever... but there is no place like Where God directs you too.

so this is my Blog. I hope that you will share your comments with me, that always helps, agreeing of disagreeing, it will be well received. Like I said, since my comming down here to Guad... although dizzy and cold... God speaks. I ask and I ask and I whine and I whine and i plead and cry and ask again..... and then God Speaks. I love it.

One of my questions that dug deep in my heart was why God would let me see and do the things I see and do. This question was really branding my heart after an event we had here close to our home where we had the chance to bless about 30 poor people with food, cheap clothes, great fellowship, and even more great.....respect. After the event, I was walking back to my car, realizing that an event like this took us about 300 bux to pull off. It was not my 300 bux (well some of it was, but only a smaaaaaall percentage), yet I was the one who got to do it, and see it, and experience the Love that passed right through my fingers....and i asked why???

This reward I was experiencing was not an award I had won, or a celestial lottery that took place.... but a basic principle that should always be before us.

Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.

Now i want you to know... to describe myself as a good a faithful servant.... well thats stretching it a bit. Although that is the goal... to one day hear THAT.
but I do have to recognize that Hearing God.... telling me.. and remember once.... slipping a twenty (that was a lot of money the.... heck!!! duuuude, thats alot of money now!!) in a cabbies pocket (without him noticing.... im a ninja like that) because he was telling another person that he had just been robbed and had no money. Now i know i know.... truth or not... it was really not the point... the point was my heart,,, and obedience. Thats what God rewards.... not the amount... not if anybody takes notice or not..... but the obedience.

What is God telling /ordering you to be faithful in?? I know that it might not have the immediate rewards that the world seeks... but God is always faithful. ALWAYS.

What I do know is that God tests our hearts, and he is sooooo forgiving. so i encourage you to obey that act of selflessness, be faithful in the LITTLE things.,... and see God work in the Big things. The truth is.... following Jesus is pretty simple, but so hard at times. Don't let that get you down.... start today! Obey in the small simple things..... get out and dot it..... go and feed that guy down the street..... love your neighbor...... do you even know him/her? cut somebody's yard for free.... do it.... cause God is always Faithful.

I would love to hear from you guys.... with your thoughts or comments... this will be a great way to keep encouraging one another. Love you.