Friday, November 23, 2007


Wow, there has been a myriad of things that are going on in my life. Besides that God has so blessed me with a son, and has turned my whole life upside down..... Jesus has never been so more real to me ....ever.
I read somewhere that a US missionary was on trip to Iraq where he went to aid the Christians in that area. He was very amazed at what was going on, and how God was using His church to do marvelous things. In his awe, he mentioned to an Iraqi pastor of what great things God was doing, and a bit dumbfounded and confused.... the pastor gently replied.... "why are you so surprised..... this is after all where Christianity STARTED. (and then he said what really cut to my heart...) You Americans think that you invented Christianity, but in fact...YOU ONLY DOMESTICATED IT.
Wow. Since reading that I have been pretty convicted that I have been taking the easy way out of "Christianity" I mean, sure I go to church, heck I even lead one at times, and I know that I am saved... but how saved am I. Does God just really plan for us to just simply say a prayer, and maybe stop cussing, act nicer and get new friends? Is that all? Learn how to raise our hands and sing some songs.... is that it???? well

What he has called us to do is to follow THE WAY. Jesus is the way. the only way, we are supposed to be Un-Christian. (i believe Christian has so lost its meaning, what it means today, i think cheapens the cross, the way..the King) We are supposed to be followers of Jesus. To live as He lives, and to love as he loves. Now before you put that on a bumper sticker as a way to "shine your light". This is much harder than it reads... its a high cost. Really Really high.

I love Mark Twains quip, "Its not the parts of the bible I do not understand that scare me, but the parts I do understand."

And it is scary. To declare Jesus the way. no other way. Just Him. The Truth. No other truth, just His. The Light. What we see, all we seek to see.

This statement isnt just making the point that its only through Christ we attain salvation, but the He is the WAY.... the way to live, the way to love the way to give. thats it. no other way.
so as i have been digesting this for the last five months, im a bit shaken and excited (which i think is pretty foundational for any Christian Life.)

so... sorry for the rant, but I am so thankful for Jesus to get me out of my comfort zone, and start living his WAY. the way.
As fas as whats going on over here, gosh sooo much.
A kid
4 new home churches
4 decisions to Follow him
a painted park
coffee for the sick
coffee for the tired
loving the rejected
eating with the poor

great stuff.

please keep praying for Lisa, Beniah, Raul and i as we continue to serve Jesus as best we can. These last 5 months have been new to us, and have taught us to follow him in an un-christian way. It has saved our lives.

What are some ways that you hve experienced serving our King in an un-christian way?
Share your experiences wit me....... or ask me "what the heck are you talking about?????" ha

love you all

competing with Paul for the "chief of all sinners" award,
